numbers game
Just for fun thought I´d update the productionrevenue predictions based on prices a little below todays numbers. My previous figures based on more conservative figures is posted below as well. Once again, although the full suite of pgms are found at Serra Pelada, I have not included them (ie rhodium, osmium, ruthenium etc.)
production predictions are (not including ful lpgm suite) with my own conservative estimates
Based on 8 year mine life.
124,855 ounces gold ($1100.00) $137,340,500
30,861 ounces platinum ($1600.00) $49,377,600
44,087 ounces palladium ($450.00) $19,839,150
$206,557,250 revenue a year
more conservative
124,855 ounces gold ($1000.00) $124,855,000
30,861 ounces platinum ($1450.00) $44,748,450
44,087 ounces palladium ($350.00) $15,430,450
$185,000,000 revenue a year
cap costs circa $85,000,000