There is one more thing!I believe that not only are Mr. Nemis and Mr. Harvey involved but I have reason to believe that Mac Watson is holding an advisory position so if this is the case we need only Mr Tessier from MGR and we will have the whole team back guiding the EAG crew et al. (Mac can't retire lol. I suppose he isn't that great a golfer).......:)
The Management alone here is worth a buck a share...:) and thats just to start.
I was told some time ago that Windfall would be a mine. I have always believed this because of the integrity of the individual who informed me of this.
There is something else that Mr. Nemis always tried to do. He and his team always called a halt. The halt gives institutions as well as we retail an even chance. With these hits to come, (and I know they will), I'm wondering if management will adopt MR. Nemis' tactic. It is also a good promo tool that Mr. Nemis et al use well. We benefit. Of course the great numbers are the catalyst.