Wow, a suspended SHAM LOL LOL!Whoever would have thought it would come down to this with this POS, hey Nilsum11, Thovarain, and all the other paid boiler room posters living the lie here? I never would have guessed, based on the co history hohohohohoho hehehehehehehe hahahahahahaha.
Mmmmmmm, with 205, 000,000 shares o/s, the champagne must taste pretty good on the east coast of the Black Sea!! Yup yup yup, or I guess it's yum yum yum for the insiders who don't know how to file anymore.
At least they're pros at issuing piles of shares in a defunct dream, no worries there, and helped by the tsx/regulators/brokers to perpetuate the myth!! I'll bet even though they don't know how to file anymore, they'll figure it out just in time for the tsx/regulators/brokers to then help them figure out how to do a rollback.
Yeh, I'm guessing we'll see a whole series of coincidences with the insider activity and solvency of this POS hahahahahahahaha . Just a guess of course, lol! Too funny!!