RE: 2009 results
"The Business Division sales of terrestrial narrowband and broadbandradio systems, satellite network services, and implementation serviceswere$37,340,000 for the year ended December 31, 2009, compared to $40,300,000 in 2008. Divisional operating loss before interest and taxes was $1,216,000, compared to a loss of $4,642,000 (including a goodwill impairment charge of $4,625,000) for the previous year."
If you take the goodwill factor out, last year loss was ($4,642,000-$4,625,000)=$17,000 verses this years loss is $1,216,000 that is nearly 72 times or 7200% for business centers. Even after four years of restructuring losses are increasing leaps and bounds. Will business centers ever turn in to black or will those be used as tax writeoff. Business centers are like monkey sitting on the back and eating in to profits of Retail centers. Only alternatively left is to sell it so that shareholders interest is protected and share price goes to respectable level. Till something is done with business centers and number of shares are increased SP will keep lingering at snails pace.