RE: RE: So...Fairfax, the call has to come from First Uranium to get the notes. I liked what was done in the financing. There is a degree of control as to the amount of dilution and to be clear they do not need all that was asked for. 50 million as per an email that I received a couple of days ago from Bob Tait of investor relations.
If anonymous has gotten out in front with a big sell off so would have RBC as they were begging for $1 shares 3 weeks ago. This is a pay off manufactured by old management and delivered with new management, so what do you call it?
Transfer of wealth and opportunity to the rich. An inside job! Legal stealing!
Who paid?
Pension funds and astute investor who saw a good thing go bust at the hands of Miller and Brunette with the passive acceptance of Simmer and Jack.
Who complained?
The fast track was put in place to avoid a long drawn out war. When FIU offered up $1.30 for these notes, $1.50 was taking to much out of their inventory, thinning their position that this deal was pushed out the door .30 cents too high for the Royal Bank.
The fate of First Uranium was taken from a low cost producing, top notch product supplier.
They were ambushed from the outside, gutted from the inside reduced to a quivery mass of jelly. All for the benefit of overpaid hatchet men, a slithering mass of bottom feeder banks and vulture type capitalists.
Quit a story here.