miscstuff, i prefer to follow the moneywhen phycoanalyzing this company. If there are trouble in a companies core, it's the managers. Straight up, the have a huge fish on the line and have to be very adept not too loose it. When you witness a tragedy just follow the money.
From get go all the tell tails you ever needed were hanging out for full public display.
The manager ripped both companies a new A-hole, crashed FIU, took $$$$millions and should be sued. They will no doubt in my mind be getting directorships from companies heavily influenced by the RBC (megacorrupation). I am suggesting they had a hand in this.
This disaster was an inside job. Vulisango were the only ones not in on it!
5x times earnings. You can do the math. A companies resources with upwards of 10 billion deserve a bit more respect.
You don't look at events, you look for the cause of events.