Dusty Dosn't Make SenseNo question that with all the interest this stock has become veryvolatile and for now may be turning into a trading stock.
Idisagree with your analysis of Pottersburg as being a windfall contract.My analysis for the questionable 2nd quarter indicates for thefollowing reason that margins have remained the same:
Secondquarter of this year they operated continuously but that doesn't meanthey were running at the same throughput as with Pottersburg soil.Sales were $6 million, operating costs $3.5 million, and Admin costs $1million. As best as I can make out this was for processing of12,000 tonsreceived from New Jersey in March or about 50% of the quantityprocessed in the 3rd quarter. They have pointed out that operatingefficiency increases with increased throughput.
So if the 2ndquarter had been 25,000 tons, sales $12 million and operating costs of$4 million and a tax credit of 5c then earnings would have been higherby .25+.5=.30 or total earnings of .38c which is right in line with Q3and Q4. This suggests to me that margins are consistent and Pottersburgis no windfall.
Finally to add to heysexy9's message. Please tell us which company's you know where one know exactly how much business they will have over the next 9 months and for that matter a year from now. So why is that so essential for BEV when one can't know that for any other company. Indeed for BEV we all know exactly how much business they will have for the next 3 quarters.