Histoic resultsGo to website and check out arae-gassel property (click picture on right bottom corner of home page)
It looks as if strike zone runs 2.5 km and historical intercepts start from 0 down to 130 meter at 1.49 gr. and 2.51 gr. over 50 meter
This area is easy to mine open pit as it starts from top. On the same fault zone 15km south lies a 1.4 million oz deposit with same grades and also starting from o down ,It belongs to Wega mines and is located on the Inata shear zone.This shear zone runs north into Search Golds claims.
On the same shear zone is where Search Golds deposit is located.
I have been accumulating this Company over the last 2 Years and am happy that it finally hits the Radar screen.They have more going for them but this property will stand out,possibly a multi million deposit.
And this with a 11 million market cap,very funny.I think there is a real good chance of moving into the 50 cents range with deeper holes and wider spacing on this 2.5 km strike.In 6 month with results that outline the deposit betterI see 1 Dollar on the horizon.