Moving forwardI like stck_trader's enthusiasm however .50...$1.00?? I think that is getting a little ahead of ourselves. I like a good pump as much as the next guy but lets try and keep this real. Nobody has posted on here for months let's not turn this initial drilling into a pump and dump fiasco please.
I do believe RSG has something good here but we also need to keep in mind a few things. First this property is optioned and based on these results I think we will see the full option exercised which will bring our position on it to 35%. Still great considering we are not paying for any of this current work and if it proves up into a multi million ounce resource even better and it certainly seems to have all the makings of doing that but we certainly are not there yet. The second consideration at the moment is the insider transaction yesterday selling 150k shares at .075.
Watch the insider activity closely to see if it continues. Keep in mind these guys are sitting on .025c PP and .05 warrants and very little action in the markets over the last year so understandably at least one insider got a little excited plus on 15m shares traded it only represents 1% so I think this is totally acceptable given the situation.
There are some .10 warrants coming due in July so I suspect (and hope) that we can get support above that so that these can get exercised, yes it's dilution but I would rather that then see them extended once again and RSG can use the funds. At this point I really don't want to see another financing for further dilution and yet more warrants hanging over us.
Ideally if we can get support in the .12 to .15 range that will bring us some funds to move forward on some of the other properties in the area most of which have very high potential.
Let's keep it real ppl and happy trading today.