GREY:FEVCF - Post by User
Post by
BrusselSprouton Mar 22, 2010 8:58pm
Post# 16911599
Took the liberty myself....
Took the liberty myself....
Thank you for reachingout to me with this information. Wehave a team of people focused on improving our environmental performanceacrossa wide array of initiatives including agricultural practices. We willdosome additional research to determine if this technology offers anotheroptionfor us to consider. Thank you for your loyalty to Pepsi products andyourcommitment to improving the environment. Bryan
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 11:02 AM
To: Lembke, Bryan {Quaker}
Subject: The Environmental Cost of Orange Juice
Hello MrLembke,
I read with interest the article about PepsiCo endeavor to measure itscarbonfootprint and was surprised to see the results from the fertilizer inputintothe orange juice growing process. I believe a Canadian company has youranswer.That company is Forterra Environmental Corp Corp has partnered with Guelph university and hasscientific datathat supports Mushroom, Tomatoes and Lawn care out puts The worm castingfertilizer as increased in some cases 20% growth increase in some of thedatasets as well as other spin offs like the health of the plants and thesoils aleft much richer in nutrients etc... Forterra's success has beenrecentlyrecognized by an international vendor Weedman lawn care to provide theirfullyorganic worm castings for their clients lawn care needs. The OrganicFertilizers are derived from Worm manure. The company is just outside ofToronto, Canada and has the capacity with its partners like AgricultureTechnology Incorporated (ATI) to meet the needs and the Data to supportit thatI believe PepsiCo is looking for. I hope this information is useful toyou andyour endeavor to be socially responsible company.
I am a loyal Pepsi drinker from time to time as well as a share holderof bothPepsiCo and Forterra Environmental Corp.
Best Regards,