RE: RE: a trust questionIt is a US entity according to the NR.
Unni is a Florida based group that acts as a consultant to large
agricultural entities and individual farmers that are moving towards producing
bio-fuel crops. Unni assists such entities with writing feasibility studies,
grant applications and U.S. Department of Agriculture program package
applications. Unni's clients include orange growers whose trees are dying from
Huan Long Bing, an un-curable Asian citrus disease, who are looking to move to
bio-fuel production, investors whom are trying to start bio-fuel plantations
in warm weather climates and Indian tribes in the Castor Oil Belt, such as
Texas and Oklahoma.
I too find it disconcerting not having any 3rd party info on Unni, but for now, I'll trust Raymond. I didn't invest in MPE because of this NR, but it is a significant announcement for the company. The market seems to be skeptical or suspicious as well because the stock price didn't move much on the NR.
Broke through the .20's base today with thin bids and asks, like yesterday. The buyers seem to have taken a break this week.