RE: Next move up or down?I wouldn't count on Obama. I'm more interested in the value of the USD. I am 80% confident that WND will deliver Windstar (just gut feeling), and I do not propose to you guys to follow my lead either. I do have my doubts unfortunately, but lately, my stomach has settled and I've been able to live with the turbelence. I don't think Jeff is the kind of CEO that will leak out or show too much optimism, and as a result, we're left with having to have complete faith in his company. Who knows, if Windstar gets financing secured, I wouldn't be surprised for it to double from where its at now, or even hit the $3.00 mark, but again, until the financing is secured and we know for certain the turbines are up, I wouldn't cross my fingers for much coming out of the conf call. I could be wrong.