RE: RE: Yukon-Nevada Gold Corp. announces privateThe investors probably got an explanation for the presentation charts posted recently on web site. They got a slight discount on share price, and Paribus probably set this up and executed it for YNG at no addition cost above the 1000 shares per day fee, that is why no fee nor commission.
Have seen nothing to date in the posting on site to explain a shut down period. I just entered an order for more shares trying to piggy back on this price dip.
What intriques me is the Red chinese presence here. Rob McEwen of Minera Andes has a cu deposit that is highly valuable in Argentina and his view stated publicly at PDAC is "They have a plan. they are executing very fast. They have looked at the Los Azules (cu) deposit already. We are refusing all offers until we know through further definition drilling what we have there. " RM said last qtr that LA NPV is $4 bill with cu at $3.
We have the endorsement of Paribus, the Reds, Orifer, etc. This is a serious turn around story, being well executed in my view.
I think March 31 will be happy talk but not much in the way of encouraging numbers- yet.