A bit of a disappointment but I am not an expertI first read about YNG wheh they had been closed down for over a year and bought in at first for about 8 cents a share, I kept buying at 14 cents and more at about 21 cents.
The more I get involved the more I wonder about this company. i see great opportunities for this stock and company but have to be honest that some of their actions frustrate me and make me wonder.
This company seems to have great opportunities but I don't know if they are taking advantage of them or not, I am hoping they have a plan in all they are doing .. taking so long to re open, all the inducement warrants which I understand allowed them to get working capital .. but recently I don't understand them at this time of the game selling of the 5 M shares or what ever it was at 22 cents ? just prior to their report our and it obviously affected the share price driving it down yet once again.
I also don't understand whey their share price is so low ? with the research I did, them once selling for $3 plus a share and even being about $1 a share after being closed down, I thought they would have at least gone up to 50 cents a share just on the news they were re opening .. but no .. With the recent good news of drilling results etc. I am amamazed / confused why they still are going down in share price and now back to 23 cents a share ??
I still see great opportunity in this company and making money on owning their shares... I can't see any reason in the world they wouldn't want it to succeed and do so in a big way .. with all the shares owned by directors etc. they stand to make a fortune by making their decisions is a way that would increase the value of both the company and shares ...
Frustrated, confused .. but still believing and buying more .... a great opportunity for our Canadian tax free savings/trading accounts ..