RE: Weedman?"I would like to point out some interesting correlations between the terminology of the last
Forterra news release and the previously mentioned Top Dressing outline on the Weedman website. You would be well served to read, or reread both. I have simply copy/pasted sections that contain the noteworthy semblances in terminology.
From the Weedman Top Dressing Synopsis
"Thegranules are both full of a natural food source for your lawn andmicroorganisms that help in breaking down excessive organic matter inyour lawn."
"Thelevel of organic matter determines soil fertility."
"WeedMan®’s granule top dressing is a formulation of compost thathas been manipulated into a granule with no objectionable odors."
"Eachapplication adds organic matter to your lawn delivering billions ofmicroorganisms to the thatch layer. It also provides valuable macroand micronutrients as they are slowly released to the soil withoutsmothering the existing healthy turf."
"Duringthe composting process, high temperatures are achieved whicheliminates any weed seeds that had been present."
"Serviceadds valuable organic matter to soil; helping soil organisms fightplant diseases and prevent thatch build up"
"Organicmatter also helps retain more moisture reducing water requirementsand reducing leaching in sandy soils"
From the Forterra news release:
"Wehave agreed to make our granulated and pelletized worm castingsproducts, and granulated worm castings bridged with slow-releasenitrogen readily available for purchase by Weed Man franchises"
",,,whichboost fertility while restoring the soil with organic matter forsustainable ,,,,droughtand pest resistance."