RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: upwardsGoing to be a long summer, some drilling slated for only mid 3rd qtr. this year. Hopefully next round of drilling will come up with good results!
page 10 of presentation:
Looks like from last press release, they may have found some
promissing areas to investigate further!
Results of this drilling campaign are being integrated with the existing geological model and will be followed by an additional program of detailed geological and structural mapping in preparation for future evaluation and exploration of the property.
Of particular interest is the extensive alteration encountered in drillhole JP-10-19. This hole was targeted to intersect the potential extension at depth of the # 1 gold-bearing quartz vein which supported the initial production of the historical Jeep mine. The drill hole intersected a structurally disrupted and altered zone of gabbro and heterolithic breccia, approximately 110 m in core length. This zone, characterized by abundant subrounded xenolithic fragments in an altered gabbroic matrix, features three intersections with elevated gold concentrations and silica, magnetite, fuchsite and carbonate alteration. This alteration and structural preparation indicates areas at depth warranting additional drill testing.