Napping on the Holy Grail of Oil
There is no doubt that something awesome is going on with the recovery rate here.
Unanimous positive results from all clients thus far.
Each new client is a bit more bullish than the last one.
The latest new client just orders 16 units.
Adding new clients should be easy.
In the next Oil bull run, the oil solution will be enhanced oil recovery - not deep see drilling:
There is little doubt in my mind that Halliburton will take over this company in coming months if not weeks.
There rumor is just too persistent and the common sense logic of it too compelling.
Traders have little understanding of fundamental value.
This company will be taken over at double digits valuation.
WEE management is increasingly nervous as to why stock market isn't reacting more favorably.
Looks like the new investors are showing up and grabbing all they can....
I added more last week and if the stock goes down again. I'll be adding more again.