RE: RE: RE: news ?????
Here's an answer from Pierre about the weather in Namibia. Bushman and hes bullsh.... are so wrong
The weather is not a problem for these type of vessel. De Beers vesses are working 365 days per year apart one day per month for maintenance and crew change and very few down time for repairs. Their internal statistics show that their vessel have less than 10% down time for repairs and major weather conditions. These vessels are build to work with swells up to 5 meters. I can tell you that at 5 meter, we talk about very rare and violent conditions. Furthermore, the worst months for bad weather are November and February. August could also be rough because of the winter wind from South Africa called South-Easterly but generally it affect more South Africa than Namibia. Lastly, the winter period is generally sunny and calm wall to wall.
best regards