RE: RE: RE: RE: Let's repeat......It is an IR firm (First Canadian Capital Corp.) and their online presence gives a good impression. They have a legit appearance and they work work for some good explorers. Check their website and work your way around from there if you want to know what they do.
About the pit, it sounds like some drill holes from the hole 61 area could show more resources within the pit. If they are angled and toward the S or W then they are within the pit boundaries see birdman's update). Remember the pit outline in the report covers a huge area (660m diameter) and the drilling to define the Alaskite zone only covered about 350m x 550m. There is a lot of room left to add to the resource within a pit (especially with the liberal boundaries applied in the report).
I somehow doubt that people who throw significant money into explorers like Bard base their decision off a specious ratio without factoring in the other important considerations Eugene outlined. The ratio turned me off at first but I was/am very ignorant about the whole scene. I suspect that those who buy more than a few 100k shares are typically more knowledgeable than the average poster on these boards and can see past the strip ratio. It may be just like tom said, that this isn't where the money is at the moment. Seems to me like an opportunity to get in ahead of the eventual rush.