Just to give shareholdersan idea of what "high wall" drilling will promise NAG in production. Just think of 7-10 mines owned by NAG using this system on ALL the mines AT THE SAME TIME!
Highwall Miner
The Bucyrus Highwall Miner is the most efficient technologyavailable for extracting coal in today's market. It is thefirst practical highwall mining system capable of mining parallelentries to predetermined depths while linking surface andunderground mining operations to maximize mineral recovery andprofits. The Bucyrus Highwall Miner produces thousands oftons of coal in contour-strip operations with narrow benches,previously mined areas, or trench mine applications.
Now in its second generation, the Bucyrus Highwall Miner is aself-contained, remotely operated mining system able to produce anaverage of 40,000 to 120,000 tons (108,862 metric tons) of coal permonth. Designed for safety, a three or four-man team operatesand maintains the highwall miner entirely from thesurface. The Bucyrus Highwall Miner featurespenetration capabilities up to 1,000 feet (304.8 m), and miningpotential on a seam dip up to 8 degrees, permitting recovery of upto 70 percent of in-place coal.
Whether it's highwall or any type of mining equipment, Bucyrusengineers keep taking science to new heights.