W O W........Talk about 'deja vu'when this so-called company was CGW or CGV, whatever it don't matter because
the tactics are still the same.
Same old 'bill shot' NRs when they do put one out.
Same old empty promises that never come about
Same old mis-management but with a different name, the left hand doesn't
know what the right hand is doing when confronted.
Same old basic run around that will lead to no-where land.
What's next??????......another PP for further dilution because they blew the money
on the last one.
Then after that, an RS and then guess what.......another name change.
Hey Nelson, I thought this POS was supposed to be cash flow positive by April?
But wait.......that was April 2009. Tooooooooo funny.
The only thing different here is ......... the new set of 'bag holders'.