self flagelationGet out, don't beat yourself up here.Invest in Canada or Australia.I moved on and gained,should have done it long time ago.
Russia is fu""ked and so is Mongolia and china. 3 gangsters fighting over the pie.
Hopeless,don't judge it with your western emotions. Mongolia will wallow in poverty for much longer becouse they are a stupid people stuck in the midle ages with greedy government . Toobad,they could be the richest people on earth with all their mining potential. They will be exploited by China and Russia and if they complain too much China will march in with their armee and take them over which will raise their living standard as it has done in Tibet.
I bought into v.cmm,very under valued Gold Miner and already made up most of my loss ,it will double in next 6 month even with Gold price standing still ,I don't mean to pump but rather give you guys a out,invest in Canada and Australia,Quebec is best.I will never stick my money into Mongolia again. Stupid people and corrupt to boot,bad combo.
Kahn are loosers,should have tryed to get into production a long time ago instead of wasting investers money away.Quick has proven himself to be a total idiot over the years with his ill timed news releases to destroy the share price. SS was right with his negative sentiment over the last year. And still the ship of fools keeps sailing on into the Huricane ahead. Lots of luck in Court,hope you can match the bribe from the Russians.
This is my good by to all you brave warriors and no bad feelings here to anyone.Was an intersting learning experience and made me a better trader,thanks Kahn and rotten Russia and stupid Mongolia,may you wallow in your sh"t and get your karma.Russian history is full of suffering and this new stalin(Putin) is just another chapter in their failure to succeed. You will have the rich in Moscow and the poor masses in the rest of Russia,same in Mongolia ,always the same story. Mens stupidety is infinite.
All the best to every body here and I hope you all learned some thing here to make you better tradeers in the future. I hope some of you check out my recomandation. I researched it good and can't find any foult but do your own DD.
Bye for now and all the best,hope Kahn goes to the moon.