potential buyers?Bard has 3 NON DISCLOSURE agreements IN PLACE!!! They CANNOT say who they, hence it is called NON DISCLOSURE!! You can figure it out. I've been told ( 2 weeks ago, in fact ) from the MAN himself, Eugene, that " the BIG BOYS from up north from us RECENTLY been to Lone Pine " Now, who could that be??? hhhmmmm??/ And don't think for a second that the Chinese or Koreans haven't been to Lone Pine as well. And to say the grades are TOO LOW, or TOO DEEP, is a BLATANT LIE!!! You really think that a man like Eugene Beukman would be involved with Bard, if he didn't think that this is going to pay off HUGE?? LASTLY go do some DD on Dale Tingley, this 1 man owns OVER 10 MILLION shares that he paid well OVER .20 cents for, and has NOT sold a SINGLE share of!!!