I have had a thought somewhat OTFollowing the Governor gives us some insight into his thoughts. A Tower. Now that is an idea.Cheers.
Islamic Center NTB Mulai Dibangun
Jum'at, 19 Maret 2010 | 09:31 WIB
TEMPO Interactive, Mataram - Development of the Islamic Center in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), begins with laying the first stone by the Governor of NTB Tuan Guru Haji Muhammad Zainul Madjdi with Vice Governor of NTB Badrul Munir, Friday (19 / 3) this morning.
Approximately 10 thousand Muslims from various villages in Lombok Island attended a ceremony that coincided warning enliven Mawlid of Prophet Muhammad SAW and NTB dhikr led by Ustadz Arifin Ilham.
For the first stage, starting with the construction of a four-story complex of Community College which is a land area of Islamic education in the former basketball courts KONI NTB.
The plan is made up of five stages of development, but until the end of the period 2008-2013 leadership Madjdi Zainul-Badrul Munir, mosque completed highway that has 99-meter-high tower.
Great Mosque of old buildings being renovated into a center Attaqwa study science and technology with Islamic values.
In phase V, the private sector to build credible business facilities such as hotels and places of recreation, a meeting place and office of former land uses three NTB provincial government offices.
When he started the show, Zainul Madjdi ask complex that was built is not only a monument but also a place of religious learning. Lombok is known as Pulau Seribu Masjid mosque and the fact that the number could be more 5000's because in each of 414 villages there are 10 mosques. ''But there are still many who need guidance from religion,''he said.
Construction of the complex is planned to use the cost of local government. According to the Head of Regional Development Planning Agency NTB, Rosyadi H. Sayuti, funding reached more than Rp 500 billion.