RE: RE: RE: MacQuarie In the HouseJust got a notice that our "volume" has exceeded the 50-day average. Woohoo!
Many thanks for making some sense of what's happening with Erdene, Goodvibe. I like to think that there's a rhyme and reason to the stock market. Trouble is, I'm rarely (if ever) able to figure it out on my own.
Like yourself, I recall reading Cupricity's evaluations of ERD in tandem with suggestions to shareholders of another, at this point unmentionable Columbian coal play (I still hold a truck-load of virtually worthless warrants, but never mind LOL). If memory serves, Aatwal suggested that we come on over to ERD, and I'm glad I did!
I'm going long and strong with this one!
Cheers and GLTA!