RE: PricelessHere's Jason-Short "logic" for ya:
He's going to short more shares when the SP goes to $4 and then cover when it goes back down to say (using today's example) $3.40......such brilliance.........blinding brilliance........simple eg:
1000 shares sold (shorted) x 4.00 SP = $4000 investment
Cover at 3.40 = 0.60 / share x 1000 = $600 profit (less commis of course)
1176 shares bought x 3.40 SP = $3998 investment
Sell at 4.00 = 0.60 / share x 1176 = $705 profit (less commis of course)
In both cases the SP goes to / spends time at $4.00….why the heck would someone want to wait for the first step to occur before taking a short position and then hoping the second step occurs, all the while knowing that the SP was going to, at some point, be at $4.00? (and all this for less profit on a $4k investment)???
Why? because we swim in a sea of morons everyday, that’s why!