RE: NAG forecastThe long-term forecast for NAG is DOWN???. Are you guys serious? So many negative people on these boards. How the heck could the long-term forecast be down? Let's see what NAG has and then tell me their forecast is down.
1) mine #1 (operating 8,000 + tons of thermal coal per month)
2) mine #2 (to start operations as soon as permit transfers --this is any day now) --small mine (maybe 1-2 years in length, around 10,000 + tons/month??)
3) mine #3 (to start production sometime in 2010 (hopefully by summer) --long term mine (possibly up to 20 yrs in legth, anywhere from 30,000 + tons/month --BLUE GEM COAL
4) mine #4 to mine #10 plus possibly more (these will start production in 2011+) --these are long-term mines (same as mine #3, to produce 30,000 + tons/month) --some (4 or 5) are BLUE GEM , some (4 or 5) are thermal coal.
Yet the long-term forecast is down. Right. Good luck bashers, you're going to need to do a lot more to scare investors. It's only time until NAG hits new highs. Whether it's this year or next year, I'm here for the long-term. And all those that stay the course, will be heavily rewarded. Call IR and confirm the above if you don't believe me. GLTA.