Interesting QuoteHere is part of todays Ed Steer's Gold and Silver report
Jim Rickards: "Goldman Can Create Shorts Faster Than Europe Can Print Money"
Tyler Durden over at also wades in the Greek fray with this CNBC interview with Jim Rickards. The first paragraph of Durden's preamble reads as follows... "Jim Rickards, who recently has gotten massive media exposure on everything from the J.P. Morgan silver manipulation scandal to the Greek default, was back on CNBC earlier [yesterday] with one of the most fascinating insights we have yet heard from anyone, which demonstrates beyond a doubt why any attempt by Europe to print its way out of its current default is doomed." It's titled "Jim Rickards: "Goldman Can Create Shorts Faster Than Europe Can Print Money." The video is a must watch from start to finish... just as Durden's preamble is a must read. I thank Australian reader Wesley Legrand for sending it along... and the link to both is here.