Leprechaun Gold Mine Inc.The gold been's there for years at the bottom of Leprechaun Pond (my guess)and they almost drilled it this winter except for the poor ice conditions. Now that Maraton is driving the train they will bring in a barge and discover what has been eluding MOA for years. The process of drilling for the Mother Lode has stretched over ten years. Either the weather was bad or there wasn't enough money to get the job done right. With the latest discovery of high grade gold in the recent drill cores, Marathon has put the train not only into gear but full throttle ahead. We aren't waiting for winter drilling conditions. We are just waiting for the road in to dry out enough so the barge and rig can get to the site. Why the rush to discover a billion dollars worth of gold ore or more? Just have to know who Maraton has been in discusions with of late and maybe notice that someone with very deep pockets is now in MOA's corner and they are accumulating. How they publish picture on the web site from the first drill core.