Chicago Resource ExpoI try not to post too often. I just want to let everyone know that the latest presentations are available for both Douglas Lake and Ruby Creek at Chicago Resource Expo web sight. This was the latest presentation at the Expo..I want everyone to judge for themselves. I do not know why Ruby Creek and Douglas are selling off so. Ruby has about 20 million shares out and 68 percent is owned by management and relatives.. They have a possible multimillion ounce property. They have good management. Theyre cost for production is negigible at $250.00 an ounce. compared the production costs of a hard rock mine into production. This project is very cheap. They are about to start test mining equipment. I think if anyone is trying to sell their stock at these rediculasly low prices do not know the value of this project. I think the people that are really smart are the ones that are buying at these prices. I am as I said before a small shareholder but I have all the faith in the world in these 2 companies and have just about everything tied up in these 2 companies. If I am wrong then thats the nature of the mining business. I heard it so many times before that they are all lottery tickets. I just try to make my best guess as to who will come out a winner.