RE: The Euro will not fall apart...I must differ with you on whether VST is a safe bet. while it is never absolutely certain (afterall nothing in life is) it seems to me that given the coming shortage of oil in the world, together with the fact that this region is one of the last areas in the world for land based potential elephant finds, together with the incredible seismic results, together with the fact that the Americans invaded this country in order to secure oil supplies, together with the humongous finds of oil by neighbours next door like Heritage, together with initial signs from drilling results of many others in the same region , together with evidence of oil seeps, together with the general geography of the region, together with improving political enviroments, together with NIKO who is an established operator, and probably half a dozen other togethers I think your negative spin on this play is starting to look really, really shallow, short sighted and picayune.
Take another serious look and see how overbalanced the positives are. If the market were smart (and believe me it is not, because it is basically an amalgam of investor sentiment which is made up of a pile of panicky, nervous nellie investors who are more skittish than a horse going in the gate for the very first time) this SP would easily be in the $3 range. Due to extraneous factors I believe, the SP is floating around well below what it should really be at, but I suppose you could say that about a lot of plays out there right now and you would basically be right on this point, at any rate. This whole Greek play and Euro controversy is a crock, it is simply meant to keep people's eyes away from what is really going on. Maystealer 23 basically has it right but you guys will never admit it, even if the SP does go to $20 dollars, but this play will prove itself in due course regardless, of that I have very, very little doubt.
You will be long gone cryin' in your beers at the local watering hole when and if you miss the boat on this one. Don't say you weren't informed about the positives, but it reminds me of the old adage... if you want to look for crap keep hanging out at the zoo. I always suggest a realistic and practical view. What has been coming down the pipe as of late is anything but. Let's have a little bit of balance here...the sky is not falling even if chicken little says it is so...