Vacuum Again...I don’t know who I’m talking to anymore... I guess everyone is just too depressed over the SP to even want to participate in some discussion...
I just thought I'd point out, after overcoming my laziness to research, that RCT, based on the 5-4-10 release, is producing about $160 worth of silver and $40 worth of gold per ton. If the grade of Au ore going through their mill were four times higher, the dollar outputs of each metal would be equal. That wouldn't be hard to do since the grade of Au ore being milled has been very low, not even 2 grams per ton. According to the chart, whose link was part of my last post, the silver ore grade is very good.
So, as the SP of RCT is currently pretty low, is RCT a buy? Do you trust them?
Mr. Luna has held top level positions with Goldcorp, and Silver Wheaton. It seems a bit of a surprise he is with tiny Rochester - thoughts?