Old post from Roy Hales (lol).
I decided to do a little snooping around court documents and found out that Baines did sue Chelekis and won.
Some of the things Chelekis wrote were on display. I don't like Baines' writing: I think he's sloppy, relies upon insinuation rather than fact and I've secretly been hoping that one of you would bring up his Nov 2006 attack on Orcy so that I could tear it apart. That said, Chelekis' expose on Baines seems worse.
Chelekis didn't come up for the trial and his lawyer wasn't able to contact him to substantiate some of more outlandish accusations. Regardless: I don't believe what he wrote and won't repeat it. (Can't think of a more suitable target though!) I think this must be the trial that the other reporter (Richard Littlemore) was referring to.
PS: One of my pet peeves is shoddy journalism.