ComparisonsOreviously I had compared CMM to YNG...or vice versus...both had problems, both have a negative balance sheet that has to be paid down....both are pouring gold, but YNG is further into production.
Here is a post from CMM on Stockhouse.........I am posting this just to show how undervalued YNG is.........Richard
CMM Blog from BNN - Victor Goncalves Recommends
5/31/2010 7:17:45 AM | | 82 reads | Post #28286673 Rate thisclarity
We didn't have time on Friday’s Commodities (watch the video here) to get all of Victor Goncalves’ stock picks, so here are the ones we missed.
The president of Equities & Economics Report is tipping Century Mining Corp. (CMM-TSXV) for investors who want "an emerging mid-tier producer of gold."
Century, which operates the San Juan gold mine in Peru, started production at its Lamaque mine in Quebec in April.
Its 2010 guidance is 55,000 to 65,000 ounces of production at a cash cost of $550 to $570 US.
The stock is up 205 percent in the past year to trade at 58 cents Cdn today.
On his pervious appearance on BNN, Victor had and still has CMM as his top pick.
He said it should be trading in the $1.50 range.