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MacDonald Mines Exploration Ltd V.BMK

Alternate Symbol(s):  MCDMF

MacDonald Mines Exploration Ltd. is a Canada-based mineral exploration company. The Company is focused on the evaluation, acquisition, and development of precious and critical metals properties in Ontario. It is focused on exploring its 100%-owned, 19,455 ha Scadding-Powerline-Jovan (SPJ) Project located 20 kilometers (km) southeast of the prolific Sudbury Mining Camp in Northern Ontario. The SPJ property consists of the Scadding, Powerline, Jovan, Blueberry, Loney and Golden Copper properties. Scadding Mine, as well as additional mineral claims that surround the Scadding Mine site, which is located in Scadding Township near the Wanapitei-Ashigami Lakes district, east of Sudbury, Ontario. Its Hembruff Copper property consists of 30 mining claims over 6.64 square kilometers.

TSXV:BMK - Post by User

Comment by wjtanchakon May 31, 2010 11:25am
Post# 17143199

RE: RE: We just became takeover candidate

RE: RE: We just became takeover candidateWe should see BMK hold here in the low 0.20's 'til after lunch.  The afternoon should prove to be quite interesting.  Everyone will want to be in prior to the US resuming trading in the morning.
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