ply to RE: Second request, Please answer, It wouldI reply to you Sashageese.
I call you Sashageese since native tribe word for woman is like geese and that is closest translation to white man language. It mean respect for woman. Same as east tribes in asialand people who come here called name-SON, like danielson karate man.
Chiefs are not option #2, Chiefs are #6 which not said by you. Chiefs have best in spirit for follower. PCQ paper done nothing for 2 year since Cupcake Brothers ruin many lives.Chiefs here to tell people when to trade. In meantime Chiefs give other advices while waiting for PCQ paper to do something that matter.
No different advice on paper trade board or paper mail. Difference is Chiefs give paper mail advices to followers that not said on paper trade board. That how Chiefs take care of follower.
You wrong about this shorting. It legal in Canada and happen a lot. As said before Chiefs not short trade.
Follower have buyer to sell to? Make no sense from what I say already.
Thenk you for asking advice all good men.