RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: SPQ HOLDERS WILL NEVERLOL...wasn't that Twisted Sister?
Listen, I am not absolutely convinced Cliff's wants KWG JUST YET.
Maybe that whole "whichever one we get first" bit was a ploy to scare SPQ shareholders to jump in, or be left twisting in the breeze. I think they want SPQ first. KWG has value to them as is for a while yet, and no fear of another bidder with Cliff's owning 20%.
My opinion, as humble as it is, is that both companies are better off as one, with controlling interest in BD. Alone they have no alternatives, just to wait. But watch out for that 1.2B O/S.
Another question I would ask is, if this was all a setup for Cliff's (as has been stated by...), why are they removing the NSR and RR? If Cliff's was truly behind this, wouldn't they have found a way to keep those in the merged company? And why bring the diamond claims back in, something that has been very public that Cliff's has no interest in?
These are just some of the questions I find interesting...I guess I have indicated my postion :)
For what it's worth,