ReRe YNG News releases Thank you Richard for all your verbal potshots. They have all the impact of those tiny, soft, cotton balls. Speaking of tiny, soft, cotton balls, naw, I won't go there. You never seem to challenge my factual comments , so I guess you are trying to challenge my right to post here. You are confused, you speak for YNG , and not for Stockhouse. You seem to do a lot of talking to some unidentified "somebody at YNG "so maybe you can answer a question for me. We all know YNG has a CEO, COO, CFO, but do they have a COP, or a COMI. Question. Does YNG have a MInistry of Propaganda, run by a , COP, Chief of Propaganda ,or a branch of Mis-Information, run by a COMI, a Chief of MIS-Information? And could they be the unidentified "somebody at YNG" you talk to so much? Do you get information , or instructions, or both, when you talk to that unidentified "somebody at YNG". I ask that ,because on May 25, you posted "I am not a spokesperson" and since then you have been playing the "spokesperson" part perfectly. Your asking me to seek "SEX" or "ANGER MANAGEMENT" are incomplete. What about drugs and alcohol? Your comment about 'ad-nauseum" has a solution. Why don't you become number 2 to "ignore me" and save your poor tummy? I will never ignore you, I need all the Pathetic Pollyanna Pumps you and your clones give us so regularly. Humor is good for digestion. Why would I sell out and run? According to you and your clones, we will all be rich by at least the first half of the next century. Besides, I do not run from tiny, soft, cotton balls. ICE