Ice stayThe fact that you reach back and draw forward past company pronouncements, and past performance data to "leven" our optimism is indeed helpful. Every stock climbs it's own "wall of worry". Romara makes great good sense when he says that the attitude at YNG amoung staff has changed. A positive attitude helps every company; but with mining companies good morale ain't the objective.
Ice- your doubting Thomas role will make your comments about 2nd and 3rd qtr results that much more valuable. If we open the second and third mines in early 2011 and do the 150K ounces as promised by June 2011, we should be higher in PPS terms.
When i first bought into YNG the statement was that the two other Jerrit mines would open by the end of 2010; but now it is early 2011. That slip in schedule alone makes ICE's posts worth careful attention. An early sign of BS from new management ?