OTCQX:MRVFF - Post by User
Post by
blackascanbeon Jun 09, 2010 9:16am
Post# 17172021
a few points
a few pointsYou can't blame NRI management because the FDA moved the goal posts in Dec 06. Two ceo's, maybe one of them should call himself something like cog ( chief other guy ). As the bard once said "What's in a name". When you start to delve into the details of launching and marketing a new drug, who here on this board has the expertise to say how that should be done? Certainly not well you know who you are. As for their compensation, I would like them to get paid nothing. However if they can ultimately make me wealthy, I'm prepared to pay them any amount they want. The jury is still out on that. The main gripe here is with the share price. The share price is where it is in my ever humble opinion because it is owned for all intents and purposes only by small, Canadian, retail, individual, unsophisticated, garden variety, mom and pop, aw schucks why ain't that stock goin up, investors, who only have other earlier identified investors of the same quality to sell to. Get this on the U.S. market with a share price around $5.00 with growing sales and a growing pipeline and I expect to reach my goal of independent wealth and after all isn't that what's important here?