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First Tidal Acquisition Corp T.AAA

Primary Symbol: V.AAA.P

First Tidal Acquisition Corp. is a Canada-based capital pool company. The Company's principal business is the identification and evaluation of a qualifying transaction and once identified or evaluated, to negotiate an acquisition or participation in a business subject to receipt of shareholder approval, if required, and acceptance by regulatory authorities. The Company has not generated revenues from operations.

TSXV:AAA.P - Post by User

Comment by studeon Jun 11, 2010 10:20am
Post# 17180314

RE: Farhad on insider sell

RE: Farhad on insider sellI  wonder why u guys bother with " insider selling 150k " and email CEO with that question ? People buy and people sell , IT IS MARKET , plus only 150k , this is " penny stock " and venture exchange man , if people want safe and can't take the heat then " get the FAX out of here " , I hate " flies and mosquitos " making noise when I was at AAA table for poker game . I agreed with SS : how many CEO did answer your guys email within 24hours with the small issue ? " Make-up Artist Farhad " is competent business man . I hope you guy don't call him if you guys get " dump " from your wives  for gamble with AAA . SS , no hot-rod but brand-new RAPTOR F150 with AAA's $$$$$.
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