Info on EZI am providing the following information as a fellow stockhouse friend suggests I post this. It may help answer some our many questions. My apologies for not posting previously, I have been having problems getting on the EZ board. Stockhouse good enough to give me a link.
I got a call from one of the Directors from Encore responding to myletter. (See below)
May13, 2010
EncoreRenaissance Resources Corp.
#300576 Seymour St
Forthe attention of: Mr. Lincoln Fuqua
Mr. Glen MacDonald
Mr. Michael Mulberry
Mr. Akash Patel
Iam writing this letter out of dismay, anger, frustration and total puzzlementas to why Encore Renaissance has found them to be in the position they are.
Itis in my mind complete stupidity, ignorance and lack of respect thatEncore Renaissance and Management has fallen into this hole of disgrace inrespect to its’ operation. The lack of fortitude management has taken toabide by the TSX/Securities Commission regulations, Mining Regulations andresponsibility to their shareholders is disgraceful.
Theintermittent news releases you post or email no longer have any value ormeaning. You not only owe it to yourselves as businessmen/owners but tous shareholders to repair immediately the damage you have caused.
Inall honestly, I have to wonder what your real intentions are.
Itwould seem to me that annual filings, etc are part of a business routine andare an expected responsibility. Your yearend comes up again in October2010, what do we have to look forward to when you have to fulfill your obligationsonce again?
Pleasetake the shareholders seriously as well as your responsibilities to youremployees, the exchange and the Mining Commission. We ask for yourhonesty and your good will.
I was to say the least in totalshock. He advised me, that he is a silent Director and had little if anybusiness dealings with the Company and/or Management. He takes my lettervery seriously and will be addressing the other Directors. He advisedthat in the past two months he has been working with the Accountant who advisedhim that Encore's records etc were a mess that he could not sign off on theaudit because of the lack of document completion/backup and paperwork fromManagement. The Accountant for Encore was 'in his words' surprised by his(meaning the Director) lack of involvement or knowledge of the Companiessituation and at first was reluctant to work with him (the Director). ThisDirector is involving himself in rectifying the situation. He advised heis a Director of other companies on the TSX and has never come across thisproblem.
I asked him what was the situation of the mine. He informed me it hasbeen shut down to comply with BC Mining Regulations but understands it will beup and running shortly. He himself has no personal knowledge of theKinross shipments, nor does he know of the property in Alberta.
He understands as a Director he should have taken on more responsibility withthe role, but did tell me that his services were not wanted or needed (asadvised by management). He advises he is changing that role aroundwhether they like it or not.
I understand from him the Accountants name is Kenester Johal (not sure ofspelling or of what company). He also advised that it (Encore) does nothave a regular office situation. This Director advised me that he will beinsisting the other Directors take a role in a better direction of the companyand he will insist there be changes made within the Company (i.e. employees,Directors, etc).
From my conversation with this man, it felt very sincere, we spoke probablyabout 20 minutes, my one concern is his sincerity to getting this Company backin order may be short lived if the other Directors can't agree, don't work withhim or he just gets fed up. He did say he will be in touch with me again,and he mentioned that he wishes to inform the Shareholders by letter Encore'splans. That he would address his wishes to the Directors for theiragreement on this and hopefully if they agree a letter will go out. Atthis time he did not have concerns for delisting the company.
Upon catching up with reading a few posts, I note one made my Jetstream earlier, it appears my conversation with the Director could be coming to fruition.
If I am fortunate enough to be in touch with this person again, I will let you know.