RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: LOTS OF TALK HERE BUT .065Cicerelli, if you're not one of us you're ok, you're not invected yet. As you can see, from the many testimonials of posters, we have what is known as CADOD... in layman's terms we are afflicted with this "compulsive addictive dianor owner disorder" I have guys phoning me in the middle of the night, practically in tears, telling me they spent their kid's lunch money on just a few more dianor shares. They stash their shares in every possible registered, unregistered account possible, trying to conceal their addiction from their loved ones.We shake when we realize we don't have a nice round number of shares. Instead of being content with a 133,000 shares we need 150,000, then 200,000 shares. Enough is never a enough. We spend our free time constantly inputting data into our calculators, trying to figure out what bmw model we will buy...what vacation we will go on. An isolated lonely world, where wives don't have a clue how many shares we have and we believe in the simple motto...don't ask, don't tell. If this sounds like you there is help.Our sensitivity group is called DAD [Dianor Addicted Disorder] So Cicerelli if you have questions about some of the irrational exuberant speculation that appears on this board just be happy you are free of this affliction.