hot Commodities: World Investment Conference
Yale Simpson, Exeter Resource Corp.: In terms of hotcommodities—as much as nothing's that hot right now—the hot commoditiesright now are more in the gold space. It's a difficult week to have ashow because, if you look at the copper graph, copper broke through itssupport level today. And if you're a chartist, you'd say, "Oh,copper's going a lot—potentially a lot—lower." Now, I'm not an experton copper. The gold graph says I'm going higher. Most base metal graphssay I'm going lower. It's always difficult around here to tell a basemetals story. In Canada, unless it's nickel, at times it's great. Butgold will continue because people know that for a gold story, and I'm atechnical, so I'll say it. With a gold story, if you find 100,000ounces of high grade, chances are you can mine it. In the base metalsspace, good luck. You can have 100,000 tons of the highest-grade copperyou want. Then what? So, in a skeptical market, they'll always fallback on gold.