Ubika on RPMUbika Research initiates research coverage on Rye Patch Gold Corp.
Jun 21, 2010 (ACCESSWIRE via COMTEX News Network) --
TORONTO,Canada - Ubika Research has initiated research coverage on Rye PatchGold Corp. (TSXV: RPM) in a report, " A junior with breakout potentialin Nevada's prolific gold region" (June 21, 2010). Rye Patch Gold Corp(RPM) is an advanced stage exploration company which has NI 43-101compliant estimate of 3.9 million ounces of total gold and goldequivalent resources.
Ubika Research believes that Rye PatchGold Corp has the potential to become a breakout junior gold story. Ithas high quality properties in a well-established mining zone, a highlyexperienced and savvy management team and necessary cash to carry outits near-term acquisition and exploration plans.
Given thecompany's location, the stage of its development, its increasingresource estimates, and its undervaluation relative to its peer group,it may potentially become an acquisition target to larger gold miningcompanies such as Newmont Mining Corp. (NYSE: NEM) and Kinross GoldCorp. (TSX:K, NYSE: KGC), which also operate in the Nevada golddistrict.
Rye Patch Gold Corp (TSXV:RPM) is rated "Speculative Buy" by Ubika Research, with a target price of C$ 1.52.
Download the free research report at https://www.smallcappower.com/microsite/research_reports.aspx?CompanyID=35
About Rye Patch Gold Corp.
RyePatch Gold Corp. is an exploration stage company engaged in theacquisition and exploration of gold properties located in thepolitically stable mining state of Nevada in the U.S. The company'sbusiness plan is to increase its gold ounce resource through continuedacquisition of resource projects and through organic growth on itsexisting project portfolio.
About Ubika Research
UbikaResearch is an investment research and capital market service firmbased in Toronto and Vancouver. It provides comprehensive research,communication and capital market exposure program to highlight theinvestment potential in micro and small cap companies. For moreinformation visit www.ubikaresearch.com
About Smallcappower.com
www.smallcappower.com(SCP) is a leading resource for small cap investing. As an interactivewebsite with rich investment content and dynamic functionality SCPbrings investors and financial industry professionals together todiscover and communicate with small cap companies.
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Vikas Ranjan
Phone: 416-646-1941 ext 102
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