RE: RE: RE: UPMorning JohnRB, is your 100-200 oz/m just based on the existing 20t/h plant? From the AGM TNX indicated that if this plant proves itself then they will quickly procure 2-100t/h modules. Their last news release pertaining to this plant indicated: "According to Tanzanian Royalty Senior Vice President, Riaan Van derWesthuizen: More production modules have been ordered and these will be added to theexisting plant to increase gold output on a staged basis." So this 100-200 oz/m could potentially grow to 1100-2200 oz/m. At a cash cost of Jim's high end surface production of $75/oz should give the share price a good boost, maybe not to $40/s but definately higher than where we stand now.
Has TNX issued any statement as to the current average grade of the Kigosi property?
Time will tell...but things are looking better and better with each passing day....Steve