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Granada Gold Mine Inc V.GGM

Alternate Symbol(s):  GBBFF

Granada Gold Mine Inc. is a Canada-based junior natural resource company. The principal business of the Company is the acquisition, exploration and development of mineral property interests. The Company is engaged in developing and exploring its 100% owned Granada Gold Property near Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec, which is adjacent to the Cadillac Break. The Granada Gold Property is located five kilometers south of the mining community of Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec. The property includes the former Granada Gold underground mine. The Company owns about 14.73 square kilometers of land from a combination of mining leases and claims. The Granada deposit is a quartz-vein mesothermal gold deposit hosted by late Archean Timiskaming sedimentary rock and younger syenite porphyry dykes.

TSXV:GGM - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by MASCAR2on Jun 23, 2010 10:21am
Post# 17213976

Where is the NR?

Where is the NR?Do these guys have a specific day for nr's. I hope its not the dreaded friday release.
Bullboard Posts