RE: TumbleweedRS, YOU are the one who doesn't get it I'm afraid. There a many people here who have been involved with SCT for a while, and when things went haywire we obviously went searching for answers. There are some who were here for a long while that decided to sell and leave, and a few even declared so. No problem. Good luck to them. They EARNED the right to complain. A couple even remain, but complain...that's fine too.
But this influx of dickheads who have shown up AFTER the crash, and chastise us for doing everything wrong are friggin idiots if they (you) expect anything other than a cold shoulder.
So pardon us if we would like to use the SSS forum to discuss SSS with each other, and not what other picks might be better.
We are not trying to convince ANYONE to buy, nor to sell. WE ARE TALKING TO EACH OTHER.
Now do YOU get it?
BTW...what is your motivation here? To save the unsuspecting? My, aren't you a hero!