OTCQX:DMMIF - Post by User
Post by
greatemailslobon Jun 25, 2010 4:16pm
Post# 17223104
my apologies to DMM board
my apologies to DMM boardi ahve two stalker notwrong and the_shadow
notwrong has deep issues and has never picked a stock that goes up...he sold LIM to buy NML evenup at a buck now LIM went to 7 ....now hes losing again on RIMM and taking out his losses by stalking me
some people never learn
the_shadow is a coward...an internet stalker who shows up when a stock goes up claims he owns lots.....check out WEF...claimed he owned 500000 after it went to 36 cents.....when it went to 55 cents.......that position was 900000 shares...LOL........now its 30 cents and never posted again there....we call him PINOCHIO
but I must be doing something right.....they say ridicule is finest form of envy
lovin my fans
but most of all LOVING their money!!!!!!!!!