re re resultsgreat question!
this is what i think, if an exploration play begins in a company you have to really look at the amount of shares outstanding , the property that they are touting, management, and who own the existing shares.
if the company has 100 million shares out at cheap prices with a warrent attatched and needs on going financing, all i can say is they better have a discovery!
as far as ORKO they had to raise tons of money to drill , lots of dilusion , and yes you are right the word was out that orko would got to those numbers it so far has not happened.the cost factor for management, promotion, also plays a role,and deal making, partnership etc.
i now have decided after what i see here at orex that any new play that i will get into will have to have the following ingrediants, great management team, great property, small amount of shares outstanding, and capable to raise money with investors (non Brokered ) and a brokerage house that can be trusted,
and i must stress that when a company has accumilated a lot of shares, in my opinion they should be well into a very promising drill campagne with great indicators of a discovery, like GNH.V
If you look at TXR.V small amount of shares outstanding, well managed no salaries being drawn by anybody, next door to a huge discovery BRETT RESOURCES, raised enough money to drill, very little dilution, seasoned management run by two well known geologists, trading in a solid 35 to 40 cents now with first drill results pending, i sleep well with this one.
another a brand new play is developing out of Columbia, which is now considered the hot spot for gold exploration in the world, its symbol is CA.V again very little shares out tightly held, just announced fantastic properties, seasoned management (and rumour has it some major players in management will soon appear), will be raising money soon, one of their properties is attached to CNL.T trading at $3.40,
in my personal opinion a chance of a MAJOR discovery here!, check it out for yourselves.
as far as REX , the saviour is GREAT DRILL RESULTS!
my bet is on the geological team, they did ORKO, if gold and silver is there, in time they will find it!
hold onto your shares!
i am thinking there is three ways now to play orex now ,if your average cost is lets say 18, you double your position to bring it down to the warrent price.which is 15
or sit and wait for the first drill results, if they are good move again to bring down your average,
hopefully if the results are decent they will be able to do another financing at the price of your average down cost,
if the drill results are a bust i predict an 8 cent share price, i believe that this is the reality, if anybdody wishes to express an opinion i would love to hear your take on the present matter with OREX
please do your own due diligence